J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. Field Visit: A Hands-On Learning Experience

Recently, J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. organized a field visit to the PSE&G Oradell OR500 Gas Service Project in Englewood, providing office staff with a firsthand look at the construction process. This initiative aimed to bridge the gap between the office and the field, creating a deeper understanding and appreciation of the company’s work.

Angela DeLotto, Director of Administration, emphasized the importance of such visits for professional growth. “In my role, I try to find experiences that helped me develop and grow. Partnering with field leaders and business managers on jobsite visits has been invaluable. It puts things into perspective and enhances our knowledge of the construction process,” she said. Angela highlighted the feedback from the engagement survey, which indicated a lack of involvement felt by back-office staff in the construction process. “I want to ensure our team stays engaged and connected.”

Angela recounted an instance where an accounts payable team member mentioned, “I’ve been here 16 years and haven’t seen a jobsite.” This feedback reinforced the need for such initiatives. “I’m not going to become an engineer or lay pipe, but seeing the impact of our work on communities is what keeps me at Creamer. I want my team to make that connection too,” Angela added.

Susan Kim, Administrative Assistant in the Estimating Department, also shared her experience. “The field trip gave me a new perspective. Seeing the work happening in the field helped me understand the scope of our projects. It was amazing to see all the moving parts that make one job happen,” she said. Susan has been with Creamer for three years and found the visit extremely beneficial. “I now better understand the jobs coming in and the work involved. I look forward to encouraging everyone from my team to get out into the field.”

The visit, which included a tour of active and completed job sites, showcased the collaborative efforts between JFC and PSE&G, demonstrating the various stages of the gas line upgrade project. Such experiences are crucial in fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation among office staff, ensuring they feel connected to the company’s mission and values.